StructuredOutputChainInput<T>: {
    llmKwargs: any;
    prompt: any;
    callbackManager?: any;
    llm?: any;
    memory?: any;
    outputKey?: undefined | string;
    outputSchema?: undefined | JsonSchema7Type;
    zodSchema?: undefined | T;

Type representing the input for creating a structured output chain. It extends the LLMChainInput type and includes an additional 'outputSchema' field representing the JSON schema for the expected output.

Type Parameters

  • T extends z.AnyZodObject = z.AnyZodObject

Type declaration

  • llmKwargs: any
  • prompt: any

    Prompt object to use

  • OptionalcallbackManager?: any

    Use callbacks instead

  • Optionalllm?: any
  • Optionalmemory?: any
  • OptionaloutputKey?: undefined | string

    Key to use for output, defaults to text

  • OptionaloutputSchema?: undefined | JsonSchema7Type
  • OptionalzodSchema?: undefined | T